Google Documentation for Developers all in one place


🌀 What Is Googlebot

🌀 Google Crawler (User Agent) Overview

🌀 Multi-Regional and Multilingual Sites

🌀 How Google crawls locale-adaptive pages

🌀 Multilingual & International Site Topics

🌀 Tags for Localized Versions of Your Site

🌀 Move a Website and Change URL

🌀 Site Moves & Migrations

🌀 Transfer Site Hosting Without URL Changes

🌀 Change Page URLS with Redirects

🌀 Consolidate Duplicate URLs with Canonicals

🌀 Control the Content You Share on Search

🌀 Meta & Inline Tags that Google Understands

🌀 Block Search Indexing with ‘noindex’

🌀 HTTP Status Codes, Network and DNS Errors, and Google Search

🌀 Soft 404 errors

🌀 Reduce Googlebot Crawl Rate

🌀 Hide & Remove Images from Google Search

🌀 Remove pages on your site from Google

🌀 Temporarily Pause Or Disable Website

🌀 Keep redacted information out of Google Search

🌀 Google Read Aloud User Agent

🌀 Google Feedfetcher

🌀 APIs-Google User Agent

🌀 Duplex on the Web

🌀 Large site owner’s guide to managing your crawl budget

🌀 Ask Google to Recrawl Your Website

🌀 Googlebot Verification

📦 Ecommerce

📦 Best practices for ecommerce sites in Google Search

📦 Help Google understand your ecommerce site structure

📦 How to launch a new ecommerce website

📦 Where ecommerce content can appear on Google

📦 Include structured data relevant to ecommerce

📦 Pagination

📦 URL Structure

📦 Ecommerce website structure

🌍 International and Multilingual Sites

🌍 Managing multi-regional and multilingual sites

🌍 Localized Versions of your Page

🌍 How Google Crawls Locale-Adaptive Pages

👥 User Experience

👥 Understanding Google Page Experience

👥 Enriched & Interactive Search Results

✍️ Content Creation

✍️ Bloggers

✍️ Best Practices for Creating Web Stories

✍️ How to Write Titles & Meta Descriptions

🔧Google Search Console

🔧 Advanced Search Console Guide

🔧 How To Use Search Console

💻 JavaScript SEO

💻 Understand JavaScript SEO Basics

💻 Fix Search-Related JavaScript Problems

💻 Generate Structured Data with JavaScript

💻 Dynamic Rendering

🎥 Video SEO

🎥 Video Best Practices

🎥 Video Sitemaps and Examples

🎥 Get videos on Google with schema markup

🎥 Mark Up Movies with Structured Data

📚 SEO Basics

📚 SEO Starter Guide: The Basics

📚 Quick Guide to SEO

📚 Beginners Guide to SEO

📚 Overview of SEO Guidelines

📚 SEO Guide for Web Developers

📚 Optimize Your Website for Search Engines

📚 Measure Your SEO Performance

🔍 Structured Data

🔍 All structured data features

🔍 How structured data works in Google Search

🔍 List of structured data features in Google Search

🔍 Measuring the effect of structured data

🔍 General structured data guidelines

🔍 Structured data

📌 Structured Data Markup Examples

📌 Article

📌 Book

📌 Breadcrumb

📌 Carousel

📌 Course

📌 Dataset

📌 Education Q&A

📌 Employer Aggregate Rating

📌 Estimated salary

📌 Event

📌 Fact Check


📌 Home Activities

📌 How-to

📌 Image metadata

📌 Job Posting

📌 Learning Video

📌 Local Business

📌 Logo

📌 Math solver

📌 Movie

📌 Practice problem

📌 Product

📌 Q&A

📌 Recipe

📌 Review snippet

📌 Software App

📌 Speakable

📌 Video

📱Mobile Optimization

📱 How to Make a Mobile Friendly Website

📱 Mobile Page Speed