Apple app store requirements
Following information can be changed/added only during the release of new version.
iOS/Mac App
0. App info
- App Name: up to 30 characters;
- Subtitle: up to 30 characters;
- Description: 4000 symbols;
- What’s New: 4000 symbols – available only with app version update;
- Promotional text: 170 symbols;
- Keywords: limited to 100 characters total, with words separated by commas;
- Privacy policy link, Support link, Marketing link;
- Categories;
- Icons – for developer needs;
- App Preview: between 15 and 30 seconds in length. Technical requirements;
- Screenshots: up to 10 screenshots Specifications iPhone 6,5”, iPhone 5,5” iPad 12,9”, iPad Pro 3 Gen – You must upload at least one screenshot of your app;
- Apple Watch: up to 10 screenshots Specifications;
- In-app purchases: name: up to 30 symbols, description: up to 45 symbols, promotional image (optional): 1024×1024 pixel + review screenshots (Pricing page from app): iOS requires at least 640 x 920 pixels, macOS requires 1280 x 800 pixels.
Google Play Market Publish
New version release requires app build and “What’s new” information. All other info about the app can be changed anytime we need.
0. Important note: all words in fields below (1,2,3) considered as a Keyword;
- App Name: 50 character limit;
- Short description: 80 character limit;
- Full description: 4000 character limit;
- What’s new – 500 character limit;
- Graphic assets; JPEG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha). Min length for any side: 320px. Max length for any side: 3840px. At least 2 screenshots are required overall. Max 8 screenshots per type. Hi-res icon 512 x 512 32-bit PNG (with alpha), Feature Graphic 1024 w x 500 h, JPG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha);
- Category;
- In-app purchases: name: up to 55 symbols, description: up to 80 symbols.
Windows App Store Requirements
- App Name: up to 256 characters;
- App Description: up to 10 000 characters, in most cases the right length is somewhere over 200 words, but well under 3 000;
- What’s New: up to 1 500 characters;
- App Features: up to 20 features, up to 200 characters each; (These are short summaries of your app’s key features. They are displayed to the customer as a bulleted list in your app’s Store listing, in addition to the Description);
- Keywords: provide 7 keywords, one per box; 30 character limit for each keyword; Up to 3 words per keyword;
- Desktop Screenshots (at least 4 screenshots): 1366×768 pixels or larger. Supports 4K images (3840×2160). (Will also be shown to customers on Surface Hub devices);
- Mobile (if publishing for mobile): images must be one of the following: 1080×1920, 1920×1080, 768×1280, 1280×768, 720×1280, 1280×720, 800×480, or 480×800 pixels;
- Store Logos: 9:16 Poster art (720×1080 or 1440×2160 pixels) up to 50mb;
- App Icon: 300×300 PNG.
Chrome Web Store Requirements
- App Name: 45 character limit (in Manifest);
- Short description: 132 character limit (in Manifest);
- Detailed description: 16 000 characters;
- Icon: 128×128 total pixels; For square icons, use alpha to make 16 of the 128 pixels per side transparent (96×96 visual weight); For circular icons, the visual icon should be 112×112 (use alpha to make the remaining pixels transparent); For other icon shapes, use alpha to maintain the same 96×96 visual weight; Your icon should be flat; avoid noticeable perspective, 3D, and shadows. Don’t use text in your icon;
- Screenshots: up to 5 1280×800 (preferred) or 640×400 each;
- Promotional tile: small tile – 440×280; Large tile – 920×680 (optional); Marquee – 1400×560 (optional).
Amazon Store Requirements
- Image Guidelines;
- Name: no limit;
- Release notes: up to 4000 symbols;
- Display title: up to 250 symbols;
- Short description: up to 1200 symbols;
- Long description: up to 4000 symbols;
- Product feature bullets: up to 10 key features of your app;
- Summary: 145 symbols;
- Keywords: comma-separated, minimum of 2 characters. Example: dark, cinema, noir. Limit 30 words.
Mozilla add-ons app store
- Screens – 1280x800px max 5;
- Description – recommended 250 characters;
- Keywords – 20 max;
- Summary – max 250 characters;
- Icon – 32×32 and 64×64.
Edge Web Store Requirements
- Logo – 300×300;
- Small promotional tile Size: 440 x 280 pixels;
- Screenshot – Up to 6 images showing how your extension works. Size: 1280×800 pixels;
- Large promotional tile – Size: 1400×560 pixels;
- Description – 10,000 characters;
- Search terms – Up to 7 terms. 30 character limit for each term. No more than 21 separate words across all search terms.